Nishar Arjyal

Measure Theory

  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Sigma algebras
  4. Bibliography


Basically, the people in the maths discord have announced a measure theory reading group that meets every Saturdays. I have been wanting to learn measure theory for a while and I see this as a perfect opportunity to finally start learning it given that it is enormously helpful having other people studying it together with you trying to cover a chapter each week. So, consider this blog as a place for my notes as I study measure theory. As a reference, the group will primarily be using Folland (1999) and so will I in these notes. If I use any other textbook, I will make sure to reference it later in this blog.


We want a mapping μ:P(Rn)[0,]\mu: \mathscr{P}(\mathbb R^{n}) \to [0,\infty] that takes subsets of Rn\mathbb R^{n}, nN\{0}n\in \mathbb N\backslash \{0\} to a non-negative real number (extended to ++\infty). We call such a mapping the nn-dimensional measure of ERE\subseteq{\mathbb R} given as μ(E)[0,]\mu(E)\in [0,\infty]. We want such a measure to satisfy the following few properties.


P-1. If E=jZ+EjE = \bigcup_{j\in \mathbb Z_{+}}E_{j} where EiEj=ϕE_{i}\cap E_{j}=\phi for iji\neq j and each EiRnE_{i}\subseteq \mathbb R^{n} then,

μ(E)=μ(jZ+Ej)=j=1μ(Ej)\mu(E) = \mu(\bigcup_{j\in\mathbb Z_{+}}E_{j}) = \sum_{j=1}^{\infty}\mu(E_{j})

P-2. If EE is congruent to FF, i.e., EE can be transformed to FF by translations, rotations, and reflections, then

μ(E)=μ(F)\mu(E) = \mu(F)

P-3. The measure of the unit cube is 1.

μ(Q)=1 \mu(Q) = 1

where Q={xRn0xj<1 j{1,2,,n}}Q = \{x\in \mathbb R^{n} \mid 0\leq x_{j} < 1~\forall~j\in \{1,2,\dots, n\}\}

It turns out that the three properties P-1, P-2 and P-3 are mutually inconsistent.

There is no such map μ:P(R)[0,]\mu: \mathscr{P}(\mathbb R) \to [0,\infty] that satisfies all P-1, P-2 and P-3


Define a relation \sim on [0,1)[0,1) as xy xyQx\sim y \iff x-y\in \mathbb Q. Clearly, \sim is an equivalence relation. Consider Λ=[0,1) ⁣/ ⁣\Lambda = % [0,1)\!/\!{\sim}% the set of all equivalence classes of [0,1)[0,1) under the equivalence relation \sim.

Let us invoke the Axiom of Choice on Λ\Lambda to pick from each equivalence class in Λ\Lambda precisely one member and call this set NN such that N[0,1)N\subseteq [0,1).

Now, let R=Q[0,1)R = \mathbb Q \cap [0,1). For each rRr \in R, let

Nr={y+ryN[0,1r)}{y+r1yN[1r,1)}.N_{r} = \{y+r\mid y\in N \cap [0,1-r)\} \cup \{y+r-1 \mid y\in N\cap [1-r, 1)\}.

NrN_{r} is just every element of NN shifted to the right by rational rr units and the part that sticks out beyond [0,1)[0,1) is shifted back one unit to the left.

Then, each Nr[0,1)N_{r}\subseteq [0,1). Now, consider any x[0,1)x\in [0,1). Suppose yNy\in N such that y[x]y\in [x], then xNrx\in N_{r} where r=xyr = x-y if xyx\geq y or r=xy+1r = x-y+1 if x<yx < y. If xNrNsx\in N_{r}\cap N_{s} then, xrx-r or (xr+1x-r+1) and xsx-s or (xs+1x-s+1) are two distinct elements of NN that are in the same equivalence class which is impossible.

From P-1 and P-2,

μ(N)=μ(N[0,1r))+μ(N[1r,1))=μ(Nr) \mu(N) = \mu(N\cap [0,1-r)) + \mu(N\cap [1-r, 1)) = \mu(N_{r})

Since [0,1)[0,1) is the disjoint union of NrN_{r} and RR is countable

μ([0,1))=rRμ(Nr)\mu([0,1)) = \sum_{r\in R}\mu(N_{r})

From P-3, μ([0,1))=1\mu([0,1)) = 1 and since μ(Nr)=μ(N)\mu(N_{r}) = \mu(N), the sum on the right is either 00 if μ(N)=0\mu(N) = 0 or \infty if μ(N)>0\mu(N)>0. So, the left and the right can never be equal. So, no such μ\mu can exist.

So, what if we weaken the condition/property P-1? Let's say that the additivity holds only for finite sequences of subsets of Rn\mathbb R^{n}. This is a bad thing to do because for analysis, having countability is too important.

For dimensions n3n\geq 3, there exists this thing called the Banach-Tarski Paradox whose result is that one can take a ball of the size of a pea, separate it to finite number of pieces and rearrange them to get a ball the size of the sun.

This prevents the construction of any map as we described above even for the restricted finite sequence additivity case that assigns postive, finite values for bounded open sets.

This means that Rn\mathbb R^{n} has subsets that can't be measured (no sensible measure can be defined for them). So, we will only define the measure for certain "nice" subsets of Rn\mathbb R^{n}.

Sigma algebras

Let XX be a nonempty set. An algebra of sets on XX is a nonempty collection A\mathcal{A} of subsets of XX that is closed under finite unions and complements. That is, E1EnA jEjAE_{1}\dots E_{n} \in \mathcal{A} \implies \bigcup_{j}E_{j}\in \mathcal{A} and EA X\EA.E\in \mathcal{A} \implies X\backslash E \in \mathcal{A}.
A σ\sigma-algebra is an algebra that is closed under countable unions. It is also called a σ\sigma-field.
Algebras are closed under finite intersections.
Let A\mathcal{A} be an algebra on XX. Consider E1,,EnAE_{1},\dots, E_{n} \in \mathcal{A}. Then, for any j{1,,n},j\in \{1,\dots,n\}, EjA X\EjAE_{j} \in \mathcal{A} \implies X\backslash E_{j}\in \mathcal{A}. Then, j(X\Ej)A\bigcup_{j}(X\backslash E_{j})\in \mathcal{A}. This implies that X\j(X\Ej)A.X\backslash \bigcup_{j}(X\backslash E_{j})\in \mathcal{A}. By De-Morgan's law, jEj=X\j(X\Ej)A\bigcap_{j}E_{j} = X\backslash \bigcup_{j}(X\backslash E_{j}) \in \mathcal{A}
σ\sigma-algebras are closed under countable intersections.
Similar proof as the previous one can be applied as De-Morgan's laws apply for countable collections.
Let XX be a nonempty set. Let A\mathcal{A} be a σalgebra\sigma-algebra on XX. Then, ϕA\phi\in \mathcal{A} and XAX \in \mathcal{A}.
Let EAE\in \mathcal{A}. This implies, X\EA [X=E(X\E)A].X\backslash E \in \mathcal{A} \implies [X = E\cup (X\backslash E) \in \mathcal{A}]. Also, ϕ=E(X\E)A.\phi = E\cap (X\backslash E)\in \mathcal{A}.
A pair (X,A)(X,\mathcal{A}) consisting of a set XX and a σ\sigma-algebra A\mathcal{A} of subsets of XX is called a measurable space.
If an algebra A\mathcal{A} on XX is closed under countable disjoint unions then it is a σ\sigma-algebra.

A\mathcal{A} is an algebra so it is closed under complementation.

Suppose {Ej}j=1A\{E_{j}\}_{j=1}^{\infty}\subseteq \mathcal{A}. Set

Fk=Ek\j=1n1Ej=Ek(X\j=1n1Ej) F_{k} = E_{k} \backslash \bigcup_{j=1}^{n-1}E_{j} = E_{k} \cap (X\backslash \bigcup_{j=1}^{n-1}E_{j})

Clearly, FkAF_{k} \in \mathcal{A} for all k1k\geq 1 and the FkF_{k}s are disjoint. Notice k=1Fk=j=1Ej\bigcup_{k=1}^{\infty}F_{k} = \bigcup_{j=1}^{\infty} E_{j} So, A\mathcal{A} is also closed under countable unions. Hence, A\mathcal{A} is a σ\sigma-algebra.


If XX is any set, P(X)\mathscr{P}(X) and (X,ϕ)(X,\phi) are sigma algebras on XX.

The P(X)\mathscr{P}(X) is set of all subsets of XX so it is clearly a sigma algebra.

Clearly (X,ϕX,\phi) is closed under complementation and union.


If XX is uncountable, then

A={EXE is countable or X\E is countable }\mathcal{A} = \{E\subseteq X \mid E \text{ is countable or } X\backslash E \text{ is countable }\}

is a σ\sigma-algebra.

This σalgebra\sigma-algebra is called the σ\sigma-algebra of countable or co-countable sets.


Observe, EA E countable or X\E countable E\in \mathcal{A} \iff E \text{ countable or } X\backslash E \text{ countable } X\E countable E countable \iff X\backslash E \text{ countable } \lor E \text{ countable } X\E countable X\(X\E) countable \iff X\backslash E~countable~\lor X\backslash (X\backslash E)~countable~ X\EA.\iff X\backslash E \in \mathcal{A}.

So A\mathcal{A} is closed under complementation.

Spse {Ej}j1A\{E_{j}\}_{j\geq 1}\subseteq \mathcal{A}.

If all EjE_{j} are countable then clearly j1Ej\bigcup_{j\geq 1}E_{j} is countable and is in A\mathcal{A}.

Now, suppose for some j1,Ejj\prime \geq 1, E_{j'} is co-countable.

Then notice

X\j1Ej=j1(X\Ej)X\Ej X\backslash \bigcup_{j\geq 1}E_{j} = \bigcap_{j\geq 1}(X\backslash E_{j}) \subseteq X\backslash E_{j\prime}

Since, X\EjX\backslash E_{j\prime} is countable, X\j1EjX\backslash \bigcup_{j\geq 1}E_{j} is countable and hence,

j1Ej\bigcup_{j\geq 1}E_{j} is co-countable.

Hence, A\mathcal{A} is closed under countable unions.

Let XX be a set and FP(X)\mathcal{F}\subseteq \mathscr{P}(X). The, the smallest σ\sigma-algebra of subsets of XX containing F\mathcal{F} is called the σ\sigma-algebra generated by F\mathcal{F} and is denoted by σ(F).\sigma(\mathcal{F}).
Let XX be a set. For any family FP(X)\mathcal{F} \subseteq \mathscr{P}(X) there exists a unique σ\sigma-algebra generated by F\mathcal{F}.

Existence of a σ\sigma-algebra containing F\mathcal{F} follows from the existence of P(X)\mathscr{P}(X) and an earlier example.

Now, set σ(F)={A(FA)A is a sigma algera on X}\sigma(\mathcal{F}) = \bigcap\{A\mid (\mathcal{F}\subseteq A) \land A \text{ is a sigma algera on } X\}

By construction Fσ(F)\mathcal{F}\subseteq \sigma(\mathcal{F}). Take any {Aj}j1σ(F)\{A_{j}\}_{j\geq 1}\subseteq \sigma(\mathcal{F}). Then, each AjA_{j} belongs to every σ\sigma-algebra of XX that contains F\mathcal{F}. So, their complements and countable intersections, thereby countable unions belongs to any σ\sigma-algebra of XX that contains F\mathcal{F}. Hence, σ(F)\sigma(\mathcal{F}) is a σ\sigma-algbera.

Uniqueness follows from the fact that existence of a σ\sigma-algebra B\mathcal{B} that contains F\mathcal{F} but not σ(F)\sigma(\mathcal{F}) contradicts the definition of σ(F)\sigma(\mathcal{F}) since Bσ(F)\mathcal{B}\cap \sigma(\mathcal{F}) contains F\mathcal{F} and is a σ\sigma-algebra.

Notice that the family of intervals with rational endpoints is countable. However, also notice that this family generates a σ\sigma-algebra that contains all single-point sets.

Why? well the Borel σ\sigma-algebra contains all singletons and every open set can be written as a countable union of intervals with rational endpoints and similar arguments one can show this.

This means that a countable family of subsets of XX can generate a σ\sigma-algebra that is uncountable.

If Eσ(F)\mathcal{E}\subseteq \sigma(\mathcal{F}) then σ(E)σ(F)\sigma(\mathcal{E})\subseteq \sigma(\mathcal{F}).

Since, σ(F)\sigma(\mathcal{F}) is a σ\sigma-algebra containing E\mathcal{E}; it must contain σ(E)\sigma(\mathcal{E}).

The σ\sigma-algebra generated by the class F\mathcal{F} can not be described in a constructive form by means of countable unions, intersections or complements of elements of F\mathcal{F}. This is because these operations can be repeated unlimited number of times and we can obtain new classes all the time, but their union does not exhaust the σ\sigma-algebra generated by F\mathcal{F}.

The following is an example where one can explicitly describe the σ\sigma-algebra generated by a class of sets.


Let A0\mathcal{A}_{0} be a σ\sigma-algebra on a space XX. Suppose SXS\subseteq X and SA0S\notin \mathcal{A}_{0}. Then, the σ\sigma-algebra σ(A0{S})\sigma(\mathcal{A}_{0}\cup \{S\}), generated by A0\mathcal{A}_{0} and the set SS coincides with the collection of all sets of the form

E=(AS)(B(X\S)) E = (A\cap S) \cup (B\cap (X\backslash S))
Consider F={EE=(AS)(BX\S) A,BA0}\mathcal{F} = \{E \mid E = (A\cap S) \cup (B\cap X\backslash S)\, A,B\in \mathcal{A}_{0}\}
